NSW Government - Choosing a service

eSafety Commissioner
eSafety is the world's first government agency solely committed to keeping citizens safer online.
Life Start
Lifestart is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to supporting children and young people 0-24 years living with disability and their families and carers.  
Raising Children Network
The Raising Children Network is a complete online resource for Australian parents and carers.  
Triple P Program
The Triple P –  Positive Parenting Program is a toolbox of strategies, skills, and knowledge for parenting. The program creates a closer bond with your child as you support their learning, development, life skills and emotional wellbeing. 
Relationships Australia
Relationships Australia is a leading provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities.
Catholiccare Parenting programs
The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority

ACECQA is a national entity overseeing important changes to early childhood education and care and school age care in Australia.

Child Care Subsidy

Australian Government: Information about Child Care Subsidy

Starting Blocks                                       

Starting Blocks provides parents with information about early childhood education and care.

Information sheets




Bullying No Way! 

The 'Bullying No Way' website has been developed in collaboration with other government and non-government authorities from the Commonwealth, States and Territories. It showcases strategies that have proven to be successful in increasing safety and reducing bullying and harassment in schools throughout Australia.  

Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.

Home Doctor  

Norwest Private Hospital
Westmead Children's Hospital

Cancer Council
Sun protection
Hills Shire Council
The Hills Community Aid
Be You for families
Department of Health - Food start ratings
Service NSW
Managing Kids Food Allergies
Allergy Aware
Staying Healthy in Child Care
Staying healthy is a best practice resource of simple and effective ways for educators and staff to help limit the spread of illness and infectious diseases.
Network of Community Activities
Network of Community Activities is the Peak representative body for Out of School Hours Care in NSW & ACT.
Child Safe Standards
The Child Safe Scheme is built on ten Child Safe Standards. These standards are principle-based and are designed to keep children safe by creating organisations that help prevent, detect and respond more effectively to harm and abuse, if it occurs. 

Fair Work NSW

Translated school information

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