Our service is committed to best practice and continuous improvement
through reflective practices. This will be achieved by positive open
communication with children, educators, families, school and the
We acknowledge the Darug people, the traditional custodians of this land.
Through our daily program and practice we aim to promote and embed a greater understanding of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples perspective. Our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) committee work incredibly hard to ensure this document maintains updated, that our physical environment is respective towards Aboriginal and Indigenous Culture, and that a diverse range of experiences are being regularly embedded within the program.
Educational Program and Practice
At our service we promote a strong sense of belonging, being and becoming through our diverse, enriching, stimulating and safe environment which is supportive of exploration, discovery, growth and spontaneity. We take a holistic approach by focusing attention on children’s physical, personal, social, emotional and spiritual well-being as well as cognitive aspects of learning and development. We provide meaningful opportunities for children to make sense of their social worlds whilst engaging actively with people, objects and the
surrounding environment.
 Through our daily practice, our educators demonstrate the rights of the child, set out by the United Nations Convention, to relax, play, experience a wide range of cultural, artistic and leisure activities, to be active participants in all matters affecting their lives and to respect their family, culture, other identities and language.
 We actively value and support the interest and needs of all individuals within our service. Children are regularly provided with opportunity to offer suggestions towards the development of the program, and have their views, interests and abilities captured through Surveys, All About You forms and Health, Education and Wellbeing forms. We aim to foster a culture that promotes inclusion, friendship and respectful relationships through positive communication and guidance.
At our service we believe that children are capable, competent, and active learners and our educators strive to capitalise on opportunities to extend learning. We seek to encourage lifelong learning and for all children to reach their full potential today and in the future.
We place great emphasis on respect for the natural world we live in and are committed to making it a better place for the future through sustainable practice. We value the importance of learning about environmental awareness which provides opportunities for children to develop into concerned and contributing citizens.
As a service we are committed to continuous improvement. Reflective practices underpin our ongoing cycle of planning and programming so that we continue to develop effective ways to enhance children’s learning and wellbeing.
We achieve this through positive and open communication with children, educators, families, the school, and the community.

Current Program


Before School Care

Operates from 7.00am - 9.00am

 All children must be signed in to the service by a parent/guardian.Breakfast is available from 7.00am-8am with children encouraged to participate in the preparation of breakfast and serve themselves.
Children are signed out to school by an educator from 8.25am (years five and six go first). The following grades then proceed after that. Kindy children leave from 8.40am and are escorted to and from their classrooms in Term 1 by an educator.
After School Care
All children are signed in on arrival (from 2.55pm).
 Group discussions regarding cultural, key events, and the obtaining of children’s suggestions are held during the arrival and sign-in routine.
Afternoon tea is provided between 3.15 – 3.50/4pm. During this time, children are invited to share in a meal time alongside their year group leaders and peers.
Year group discussions, planning and learning can occur if wished and possible. Children are informed of the planned experiences on offer for the day, with information being provided as to the location of the experience and which educator will be running it.
At 4:30pm a headcount is conducted to ensure the safety of all children. From 4:30pm, the indoor environment is opened to the children with acorresponding planned experience, or alternatively, free play choice.
(Spontaneity and difference of play areas may occur based on the weather).
A late snack is offered to the children from roughly 5.00pm. Children participate and play indoors or on the balcony until the service closes at 6.00pm. 
During Winter months, children are inside earlier (generally by 5pm), however in Summer months, children are given the opportunity to spend more time outside.
All children are to be signed out by a parent/guardian or authorised person.
Play Areas
The service is in a unique environment surrounded by an abundance of natural
bush. We utilise areas including:
- School Courtyard/Cola and Covered Area
- School Oval
- School Hall
- Play Equipment and Outdoor Covered Learning Area
- The Vegetable/Herb Patch and Bush Tucker Garden
- Tepee/Outdoor/Gamarada Bush Area and Composting Zones

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